Oteviraci hodiny dnes pro ColorShops

07:00 - 17:00

Otevřít teď, do 17:00
  • Pondělí: -
  • Úterý: -
  • Středa: -
  • Čtvrtek: -
  • Pátek (dnes): -
  • Sobota: -
  • Neděle: Zavreno


🕗 ColorShops Oteviraci doba v Te Awamutu, 0000

0000 Cnr Albert Park Drive andCambridge Road Te Awamutu, nz
Fax: (07) 871 3434, (07) 871 7020
Upravit udaje
Upravit polohu kurzoru na mape

Unit 1.
This ColorShop accepts unwanted paint and paint packaging as part of the Resene PaintWise service.
Trade customers – recycle your empty Resene pails free at this ColorShop. Resene pails are recycled into more Resene pails.


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